Distilled Water

Distilled Water: What it is and What it isn't

What is distilled water?

Distilled water is water that has been purified by a process of distillation. During distillation, water is boiled and the steam is collected and condensed. The condensed steam is pure water that is free of impurities.

What is distilled water not?

Distilled water is not the same as purified water. Purified water has been treated to remove impurities, but it has not been distilled. Distilled water is also not the same as deionized water. Deionized water has been treated to remove ions, which are electrically charged particles.

Why use distilled water?

Distilled water is used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • As a coolant in car engines
  • In batteries
  • In medical applications
  • As a solvent in chemical reactions

Benefits of using distilled water

There are several benefits to using distilled water, including:

  • It is free of impurities.
  • It does not contain minerals that can damage car engines or batteries.
  • It is safe to use in medical applications.
  • It is a good solvent for chemical reactions.
  • Makes batteries last longer.
  • Cleans cuts without stinging.

Where to buy distilled water

You can buy distilled water at most grocery stores and hardware stores. It is typically sold in gallon jugs or smaller bottles.